MS bloggers & Twitter
Is there anyone with MS who doesn't have a blog? I don't think so. And now, Twitter. Here's my #1 pet peeve with Twitter. People who set up "autoTweets". That is, they have a script that automatically send out the same tweet at some regular interval - whether it be 2 hours (yes, some people do that) or days. When I realize that's someone's deal on Twitter, I drop out of their list. It's just blog advertising, and also very annoying for those who use Twitter to have actual interactions. The PR angle of Twitter is becoming more prevalent and the more prevalent it is, the more annoying. To me, anyway.
The other thing I have been aggravated about today is the snippy, sanctimonious, smug comments from religoius types about whether Michael Jackson is "going to heaven". Sorry, judgmental "Christians", but fuck off. One wonders whether you are going to heaven, either. WWJD indeed.