care for a gummy bear Mr. Rooney?

Yesterday, my 11 year old daughter took the bus home by herself for the first time. Public bus, not school bus. The bus thing is hilarious. At 4:03, the bus picks up at her middle school. It has previously stopped at one of the high schools. The entire bus is full of tweeners and teenagers. What a trip. I took her on a 'practice' trip last week and the whole thing cracked me up. She did very well on her solo trip.

I've decided that if you have to eat Cliff bars, the 'chocolate almond fudge' version is the best. I'm sure I'll change my mind in 3 weeks. That's about the limit I have for any single type of energy/power/breakfast bar. At that point I switch to breakfast burrito's or Vitamuffins.

Also, I have to tell anyone who struggles with MS and/or bladder infections, you must try a product called D-Mannose. Yes, I know it sounds like some old outer space alien movie that Mystery Theater 3000 would do, but it is actually a supplement that has saved my butt. My MS episodes were always triggered by raging bladder infections. As anyone with MS knows, recurring bladder infections can just be part of the deal. I used low-dose antibiotics for a while, then tried cranberry extract. I've used D-Mannose for nearly a year and I haven't had ONE major infection. I take two capsules every morning. If I even suspect anything is starting to develop, infection-wise, I take 3 of them twice a day. Within 24 hours, any signs are just gone. I can't recommend it highly enough. I don't make any money from it or from iherbs. They are just my favorite site to order from.


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