Making peace with my job

I went to a retreat with some women from the church I attend. I generally like retreats because I usually do some pretty good soul-searching and "inner work", if you will.

One thing I came out of from this one was gratitude for my job. That instead of just being grouchy about how ridiculous everything is, try appreciating the good stuff.

What good stuff?

My boss asked me to write a blog for the huge project we are managing. He also asked me to perform one of my semi-amusing Halloween characters ("Aging Rock Star") at a workshop I am helping to lead.

See, I realized that I am somewhat appreciated for who I am, in the position I'm in now. That's what I've always wanted. I can use the talents I really like to use in this position. It's really up to me to just go for it and use them.

So, I'm working on that and enjoying what I can. And I'm a nervous wreck about Aging Rock Star's appearance at the workshop!


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